Friday, July 22

Peter Šebo
Pascale Cossart

Cell biology of host-pathogen interactions
Daniela Corda
Margaret Robinson
Mechanisms of intracellular trafficking
Guoliang Xu
Petra Hájková

Epigenetic control of cell fate
Mónica Bettencourt-Dias
Pavel Dráber
Microtubule organization in health and disease
Roland Foisner
Tomáš Vomastek
Lamins and chromatin during development and ageing
Alasdair Steven
Stanislav Kmoch
Emerging technologies for cell biology
William Earnshaw
Iain Cheeseman
Chromosome segregation and aneuploidy
Elías Campo
Marek Trněný
Cancer cell biology

Saturday, July 23

Alexey Tomilin
Aleš Hampl
Pluripotent stem cells
Cristina Cardoso
Eva Bártová
DNA replication, repair and recombination
Yosef Gruenbaum
Ohad Medalia
Nuclear periphery
Buzz Baum
Tomáš Mazel
Shaping the cell
Libor Grubhoffer
Marshall Bloom
Host cells and vector borne pathogens
Hernandes Carvalho
Karel Smetana Jr.
Tissue microenvironment under physiological condition and disease
Christian Spahn
Ueli Aebi
Structural biology
Marino Zerial
Philippe Bastiaens
Cell signalling / Systems and computational biology

Sunday, July 24

David Tollervey
Thoru Pederson
Dynamics of the gene expression machinery
Jordan Raff
Renata Basto

Centrioles, centrosomes and cilia: function and dysfunction
Evi Soutoglou
Eran Meshorer
Chromatin plasticity and nuclear architecture
Carien Niessen
Corinne Albigès-Rizo
Cell adhesion dynamics in tissue organization
Gareth Griffiths
Arwyn Jones
Cell biology and nanomedicine
Jiří Friml
Ondřej Novák
Plant development and adaptation
Claus Azzalin
Štěpánka Vaňáčová
Non-coding RNAs in health and disease
Martin Haluzík
Miloš Pěkný    
Cell Biology of metabolic diseases and neurons meeting glia in the brain plasticity, disease and therapy



July 24
Saturday photos has been posted..

July 19
Practical information fully updated.

July 19
A - Z information available.

July 19
Check out the content of our Exhibitor Showcases.

July 15
Details on Congress Dinner published. Tickets will be available at registration desk.

July 1
Just announced! Symposium “Cell Biology Education – Teaching and Training in Research and Scientific Writing

June 28
Best Poster Award!

June 22

Detailed Scientific programme and Guidelines for authors published.






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